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mercredi, février 21 2018

NGOs and Organizational Change: Discourse, Reporting, and Learning download book

Alnoor Ebrahim: NGOs and Organizational Change: Discourse, Reporting, and Learning

NGOs and Organizational Change: Discourse, Reporting, and Learning

Author: Alnoor Ebrahim
Number of Pages: 192 pages
Published Date: 19 Oct 2006
Publication Country: Cambridge, United Kingdom
Language: English
ISBN: 9780521671576
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Wendy Stehling: Thin Thighs in 30 Days

Thin Thighs in 30 Days

Author: Wendy Stehling
Number of Pages: 112 pages
Published Date: 01 Jun 2011
Publisher: Transworld Publishers Ltd
Publication Country: London, United Kingdom
Language: English
ISBN: 9780552164054
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David Oliver: Motor Neurone Disease: A Family Affair

Motor Neurone Disease: A Family Affair

Author: David Oliver
Number of Pages: 128 pages
Published Date: 17 Jan 2011
Publisher: SPCK Publishing
Publication Country: London, United Kingdom
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Matt Mielnick: Understanding Sensory Processing Disorders in Children: A Guide for Parents and Professionals

Understanding Sensory Processing Disorders in Children: A Guide for Parents and Professionals

Author: Matt Mielnick
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Language: English
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mardi, février 20 2018

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Chemistry and Physics of Terrestrial Planets

Author: Surendra K. Saxena,P.A. Candela,M. Catti,G. Eriksson,R.F. Galimzyanov,R. Jeanloz,I.L. Khodakovsky,E. Knittle,O.L. Kuskov,M.I. Petaev
Number of Pages: 405 pages
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Studyguide for Combating Corruption, Encouraging Ethics: A Practical Guide to Management Ethics by Burke, Frances, ISBN 9780742544505

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